Singapore Magic Furniture Co., LTD is a trader, they are a local furniture store, due to the lack of quality suppliers, they often search for quality factories. We appeared in front of them by chance. They were very satisfied with the price we quoted, but they still had doubts about the quality of our products. We also fully understand that, after all, for cross-border trade, the risk is very huge, once the order starts, if both sides cannot determine all the details, for both sides may cause huge losses. About half a year later, the customer happened to come to China. We invited him to our factory to check our products, and he was very satisfied with the products and confirmed that we were really sincere in cooperation.



In after a few years, we have to change for the sake of customers, we are fully aware of export goods is not only an existing pattern, to earn money to export goods to adjust is the nature of the productivity of individual countries, maximize resource utilization, and we also represents the quality of Chinese products, we need to have been trying to, Enhance the competitiveness of our products in the international market and provide better service for more and more customers. That will always be our goal.